The Evolution of the Mini Home

When people start looking into the possibility of buying a mini home, we often hear that they are surprised at how nice our homes are. There’s still something of an assumption that mini homes are not luxurious, or are like the “trailers” or mobile homes of old, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Today’s mini homes are modern and exceptionally well constructed to the same high standards as any stick-built homes in Canada. 

When our Home Consultant Viola Selk-Tramble started working at Havill’s back in 2006, the mini homes sold at that time, were very different. “They were much more basic, cookie-cutter style, rectangular homes, that came finished with carpets, batten strips and only came in dated colour schemes like ‘dusty rose’. Many people noted that they still felt like the previous generation of mobile homes. In the homes we sell today, you wouldn’t know that you’re in a mini home once you step inside them,” Viola says. 

Some of the features offered in homes today are quite extraordinary, explains Viola, “We have homes with atrium rooflines, built-in covered porches, wall to ceiling windows, energy-efficient heat pumps for heating and cooling, kitchens with the latest finishes and pantries, beautiful, modern flooring, and fully crack-filled walls and ceilings.” Coupled with extra levels of customization, a mini home really can be a dream home for buyers. There’s no compromising on style these days. 

As mini homes have evolved, prices have gone up. “When I started at Havill’s, new homes used to sell starting at $60,000. These days you’re looking at between $250,000 to $315,000,” Viola says, “And though that can be a shock for some buyers, our suppliers are facing the same rising costs as in any other industry. The housing market throughout Nova Scotia has seen the same increases throughout all forms of housing and for many buyers looking to stay in the area, a mini home is going to be their best solution and value to home ownership in the HRM.”

Who is buying mini homes has changed too. It used to be that young families were the majority market share buying mini homes to get a foothold in the housing market, then after five or ten years using the equity they earned from the sale of that home, towards their next home. These days, those families are finding a true sense of community and choosing to stay, seeing the mini home as a perfect place to raise their families. Also, around 75 percent of buyers are downsizers looking to move from a large family home to a more energy-efficient modern, beautiful home that will continue to suit their changing needs as they get older. “They are seeking the independence of having their own yard, and their own home without having to adjust their lifestyles into condo life, apartment living or senior complexes,” Viola says. 

Independent living in a mini home is made easier because they have become increasingly accessible. These days, you will see our mini homes come with 36-inch wide doors, safer flooring options (without the need for transition strips), raised power outlets, lowered light switches, as well as barrier-free, seated shower systems. Those features come standard in our homes, which is a great comfort to those looking to remain independent in their homes as they get age and move into the next chapters of their lives. 

Mini homes have changed enormously and become wonderful housing solutions for families, downsizers, those looking for fresh starts, and everyone in between. With all the different models and configurations we have, there really is a perfect home for everybody and every situation. Ready to move into a beautiful new mini home? Contact us today to find out how we can help you make the perfect next move.